Heiwa Center for Holistic Health and Wellness

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage generally refers to a session that addresses tight areas of muscle and fascial tissue which may contain trigger points (muscle knots) or areas of strain.  This type of massage uses firm pressure on these areas in order to achieve results that soften the tissue and decrease pain.  

Thirty minutes-$55.00  One hour-$75.00  Ninety minutes-$115.00

Relaxation Massage

Although therapeutic in its own right, relaxation massage generally uses lighter pressure to relax the nervous system and improve blood and lymph flow throughout the body.  

Thirty minutes-$55.00  One hour-$75.00  Ninety minutes-$115.00

Zone Massage

This is for those who request a shorter massage therapy session in which we address a specific area/zone of the body.  

Thirty minutes-$55.00

Oncology Massage

Oncology massage is specialized for those dealing with cancer.  It is recommended that patients come prepared with a doctor's release/prescription for massage therapy, and have a copy of recent blood-work/lab results in order for us to know how best to meet each patient's needs.  

Thirty minutes-$55.00  One hour-$75.00

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method originally created by osteopathic physician, John Upledger.  CST uses palpation of the craniosacral rhythm found in the central nervous system to identify restrictions of fascial tissue and aid in the release of these tissues.  Its benefits are numerous and are not limited to relief from migraines and headaches, chronic pain, and even sports injuries.

One Hour-$70.00
Ninety Minutes-$110.00


Reiki is a gentle technique that addresses energy flow (chi/ki) throughout the human body.  It is considered safe and effective for all conditions and promotes a sense of well-being.

Thirty minutes-$55.00 
One hour-$75.00


Reflexology is a specialized foot massage which addresses specific reflex points found on the feet.  Although the feet are not the only places reflex points can be found on the body, addressing the points on the feet is an effective way to promote a sense of well-being throughout the entire body. 

Thirty minutes-$55.00

Cupping Therapy

Full Cupping Session (One hour)-$85.00

Target Cupping (Integrated into a therapeutic massage session to target certain areas of the body)-$5.00 add-on fee 

Heiwa Center
for Holistic Health and Wellness

8949 State Route 800 NE
Mineral City, Ohio 44656

© 2024 Heiwa Center for Holistic Health and Wellness

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